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Factors That Affect Frame Rate

Factors That Affect Frame Rate

Decreasing the frame rate causes the video or the game to be choppy that you may think that the pc is freezing. On the other hand, increasing the frame rate increases the movement smoothness of the video or game components. So, what is the ideal frame rate? What is the ideal number of frames must be displayed in one second? Certainly, there is not an optimum number, but to reach the perfect frame rate, there is an optimum range of frames that one shouldn’t exceed or be inferior to. How can the answer be improved? While these are the three main factors that affect the quality of screen recording videos, there are others that may have a part to play as well. In particular the audio quality as well as the frame and composition could have a big effect on how the video’s quality is perceived.

GPU usually has the biggest impact on framerate as most games are GPU-bound (rely heavily on the GPU). That being said, if you have an old CPU, it may be bottlenecking or holding back your GPU on certain games. The trick is to get a good enough CPU where you are not experiencing bottlenecks and invest in a good GPU. The CPU does not have to be the fastest, but good enough so that it doesn't create a bottleneck. There are some games that are CPU-bound like some strategy games with lots of advanced AI that will require a really good CPU regardless of how good your GPU is. Those games are rare though.

Factors That Affect Frame Rate

@FelipeInside: Not in-game, but the computer in general. As in which part. (Motherboard, processer, water cooler, i7, etc.)Oh sorry, lol.The video card is the main component that handles gaming performance, followed by the CPU and the memory.All of it is important basically.But a good GPU is even more important now than it ever was.Than you also need a good CPU, enough (fast) RAM and of course the Motherboard.There is no use having a good GPU but a bad CPU, RAM and MotherboardJust like there is no use having a good GPU, enough RAM, a good CPU but a bad motherboard.In short: everything is important. Windows processes used to take more power to run but have become rather low-end since 7.

Factors That Affect Frame Rate Calculator

If you're still running XP there's a lot of Windows background processes running that you can disable for some slight boost.also any of your own programs running can take some processing power, disk access, and memory use away from everything else on lower end systems. Any start-up programs running like anti-virus, OEM utilities, auto-updaters for hardware or software could all be stopped before running games.

Factors That Affect Frame Rate